Title:Estéticas de la crueldad y teatros de lo absurdo. Cuerpos, violencia y cultura en Colombia / Aesthetics of cruelty and theaters of the absurd. Cuerpos, violence and culture in Colombia
Title:Dancer body and queer theories in the choreographic contemporary stage: a political approach to the body in tattoo de frédéric jollivet and sara martinet / Corpo dançante e teorias queer na cena coreográfica contemporânea: uma aproximação política ao corpo em Tattoo de Frédéric Jollivet e Sara Martinet
Title:Diseño de un Prototipo de Data Warehouse para la Toma de Decisiones en el Sector Fiduciario Utilizando la Información Histórica Suministrada por el Aplicativo SIFI. / Design of a Data Warehouse Prototype for Decision Making in the Fiduciary Sector Using the Historical Information Provided by the Application SIFI.
Title:Desarrollo para Web Service de estrategias de toma de decisión crediticia basado en la herramienta de desarrollo Sm-Powercurve Strategy Management / Development for Web Service Of credit decision making strategies based on the development Tool Sm-Powercurve Strategy Management
Title:Modelo De Un Sistema De Software Basado En Las Técnicas De Learning Analytics Como Herramienta De Apoyo En La Toma De Decisiones Académico-Administrativas En Las Instituciones Públicas De Educación Superior. / System Software Model Based On Learning Analytics Techniques As A Tool To Support Decision Making At Public Educational Institutions