Title:Rin Rin y Chanchito. La dimensión de sus imágenes. Dos revistas infantiles de ideologías antagónicas publicadas durante la década de los treinta en Colombia / Rin Rin Children’s magazine of the Ministry of Education and Chanchito. Illustrated magazine for children The dimension of its images. Two children’s magazines of opposing ideologies published during the 1930s in Colombia / Rin Rin. Revue pour enfants du Ministère de l’éducation et Chanchito. Revue Ilustrée pour Enfants. La dimension de leurs images. Deux revues à idéologies opposées publiées 7 aux années trente en Colombie
Title:Historical approaches of the social constitution of gender. A look at school / Aproximaciones históricas a la constitución social del género. Una mirada a la escuela
Title:Dancer body and queer theories in the choreographic contemporary stage: a political approach to the body in tattoo de frédéric jollivet and sara martinet / Corpo dançante e teorias queer na cena coreográfica contemporânea: uma aproximação política ao corpo em Tattoo de Frédéric Jollivet e Sara Martinet
Title:Historical approaches of the social constitution of gender. A look at school / Aproximaciones históricas a la constitución social del género. Una mirada a la escuela
Title:Rin Rin y Chanchito. La dimensión de sus imágenes. Dos revistas infantiles de ideologías antagónicas publicadas durante la década de los treinta en Colombia / Rin Rin Children’s magazine of the Ministry of Education and Chanchito. Illustrated magazine for children The dimension of its images. Two children’s magazines of opposing ideologies published during the 1930s in Colombia / Rin Rin. Revue pour enfants du Ministère de l’éducation et Chanchito. Revue Ilustrée pour Enfants. La dimension de leurs images. Deux revues à idéologies opposées publiées 7 aux années trente en Colombie