Title:Effects of a Physical Therapy protocol in patients with chronic migraine and temporomandibular disorders : a randomized, single-blinded, clinical trial / Miriam Garrigós Pedrón, Roy La Touche, Pablo Navarro Desentre, Manuel Gracia Naya and Eva Segura Ortí.
Title:Effect of three types of horseshoes and unshod feet on selected nonpodal forelimb kinematic variables measured by an extremity mounted inertial measurement unit sensor system in sound horses at the trot under conditions of treadmill and soft geotextile surface exercise / Joëlle Christina Stutz, Beatriz Vidondo, Alessandra Ramseyer, Ugo Ettore Maninchedda and Antonio M. Cruz.
Title:The effect of zoledronate-containing primer on dentin bonding of a universal adhesive / Walter Zenobi ... et al. / Improvements of zoledronate-containing primer on dentin bonding of an universal adhesive
Title:Desarrollo de modelos matemático-topológicos a partir de quinolonas para predecir actividad antibacteriana frente a "Escherichia coli" y "Staphylococcus aureus" resistente a meticilina (SARM) : búsqueda y obtención de nuevos antibacterianos / tesis doctoral presentada por Dña. Beatriz Suay García ; directores, Dr. D. Pedro A. Alemán López [y la] Dra. Dña. María Teresa Pérez Gracia.