Title:Ultrasound characteristics of experimentally induced luteinized unruptured follicles (LUF) and naturally occurring hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles (HAF) in the mare / J. Cuervo-Arango Lecina and John R. Newcombe.
Title:Ǧamāliyyat al-muḫtārāt ašši ˁriyyah al-andalusiyyah. Kitāb “at-Tašbîhât min ašˁâr ahl al-Andalus” li-Abī ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al- Kattānī / La estética en las antologías de poesía andalusí. El libro at-Tašbîhât min ašˁâr ahl al-andalus de Abû ˁAbd Allâh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Kattânî (m. 420 H.) como modelo / The aesthetics of Andalusi Poetry Anthologies.
The book At-tašbīhāt min ašˁār ahl al-andalus by Abū ˁAbd
Allāh Muḥammad ibn Al-Ḥasan al-Kattānī (d. 420 H.) as a
Title:aṣ-Ṣunūf wa-l-ḫidamāt fī ǧayš dawlat almurābiṭīn (430-539 h. 1144-1038 m.) fī l-maṣādir wa-lmarāǧi ˁ al-ˁarabiyya / Categories and services in the army of the Almoravid dynasty (430-539 h. 1144-1038 d.C.) in Arabic sources / Categorías y servicios en el ejército
de la dinastía almorávide (430-539 h. 1144-1038 d.C.) en
las fuentes árabes