Title:The 482Ser of PPARGC1A and 12Pro of PPARG2 Alleles Are Associated with Reduction of Metabolic Risk Factors even Obesity in a Mexican-Mestizo Population
Title:Evaluation of the quality of life in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and colorectal cancer in different clinical stages attended in the Mexican Institute of Social Security [Evaluación de la Calidad de Vida en Pacientes con Linfoma no Hodgkin y Cáncer Colo-Rectal en Diferentes Etapas Clínicas Atendidos en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social]
Title:Detection of autoantibodies to vascular endothelial growth factor Receptor-3 in bile duct ligated rats and correlations with a panel of traditional markers of liver diseases
Title:Percutaneous placement of an intra-aortic balloon pump in the left axillary/subclavian position provides safe, ambulatory long-term support as bridge to heart transplantation