Title:Effects of uvb light, wounding stress and storage time on the biosynthesis of betalains, phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid in red prickly pears (opuntia ficus-indica cv. Rojo vigor)
Title:Special situations in inflammatory bowel disease: First Latin American consensus of the Pan American Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO) (Second part) [Situaciones especiales en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: primer consenso latinoamericano de la Pan American Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO) (Segunda parte)]
Title:Efficacy of topical diclofenac vs topical nepafenac in reducing pain associated to retinal photocoagulation [Eficacia del diclofenaco tópico vs. nepafenaco tópico en la reducción del dolor durante la fotocoagulación panretiniana]