Title:English as a Lingua Franca in an international context: An approach to the linguistic identity of native and non-native English speakers in Geneseo
Title:A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages: composed from the spanish dictionaries of the Spanish Academy, Terreros, and Salvá, upon the basis of Seoanés edition of Neuman and Baretti, and from the english dictionaries of Webster, Worcester, and Walker...
Title:La música popular urbana como herramienta educativa en el aula de Lengua Extranjera / Urban popular music as an educational tool in the Foreign Language classroom
Title:Préstamos del inglés en revistas femeninas: entre la necesidad denominativa y la estrategia pragmática / English loanwords in women's magazines: between necessity and pragmatic strategy word / Emprunts anglais dans les magazines feminins: entre necessite et mot strategie pragmatique