Title:Toward a new paradigm of industrial organization? The concept of technological paradigm and its utility to study the diffusion of technological and managerial innovations in the Brazilian industry
Title:Análisis de las relaciones entre los tipos de innovaciones y el desempeño empresarial en parques tecnológicos / Analysis of relations between the types of innovations and performance in technological parks
Title:Technological innovations and its role in the evolution of the cell phone mobile device manufacturers industry (tmc) in the 1997-2016 period: a case study from the perspective of the industry life cycle model (ILC) / Innovaciones tecnológicas y su rol en la evolución de la industria de fabricantes de dispositivos de telefonía móvil celular (TMC) en el período 1997-2016: un estudio de caso desde la perspectiva del modelo de ciclo de vida de la industria (ILC)