Title:Beyond the myths about the natural and social sciences: a sociological view [Katarina Prpic (coord.), 2009, Zagreb, Institute for Social Research]
Title:Knowledge and Society [António Firmino da Costa, Fernando Luís Machado, and Patricia Ávila (editors), 2009, Portugal in the European Context, vol. II, Lisbon, CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Celta Editora]
Title:Welfare and Everyday Life [Maria das Dores Guerreiro, Anália Torres, and Luís Capucha (editors), 2009, Portugal in the European Context, vol. III, Lisbon, CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Celta Editora]
Title:Towards a society with a more fair economy or an economy with a more social face: the contribution of scientific social knowledge to the alternative models of socioeconomic development