Title:Teacher motivation and its impact on educational quality: Case study [La motivación docente y su repercusión en la calidad educativa: Estudio de caso] / Revista de Pedagogia
Title:Detection of structural damage and estimation of reliability using a multidimensional monitoring approach / Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
Title:Optimal power dispatch of DGS in DC power grids: A hybrid gauss-seidel-genetic-algorithm methodology for solving the OPF problem / WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Title:Garch model for the estimation of volatility in the simulation of the colombian exchange rate / International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology
Title:Characterization and classification of cervical auscultation signals acquired with stethoscope for automatic detection of swallowing sound [Caracterización y clasificación de señales de auscultación cervical adquiridas con estetoscopio para detección automática de sonidos deglutorios] / Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica
Title:Implementación de una formulación analítica del LEMP para estimar el desempeño de líneas de distribución frente a rayos / Implementation of an analytical formulation for LEMP to assess the lightning performance of a distribution line
Title:Efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento y sistema de envase en el color del pimentón verde (Capsicum annuum) mínimamente procesado / Effect of storage time and packaging system on minimally processed green pepper (Capsicum annuum)