Title:Another look at the mechanism involving trimeric dUTPases in Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity island induction involves novel players in the party / Elisa Maiques ... [et al.].
Title:Desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento en la metodología AICLE en Educación Primaria : un análisis de materiales para Ciencias Naturales / tesis doctoral presentada por María Candelaria Romeu Peyró ; dirigida por [la] Dra. Ma. Encarnación Llamas Pérez, [el] Dr. Fernando Serrano Pelegrí [y el] Dr. Vicent F. Garcia Perales.
Title:Derechos fundamentales y publicación de imágenes ajenas en las redes sociales sin consentimiento = Constitutional rights and the publication of other people images on social networks without permission / Juan María Martínez Otero. / Constitutional rights and the publication of other people images on social networks without permission
Title:La mejora de la autonomía del paciente en la práctica de la medicina estética = The improving of the autonomy of the patient in the practice of cosmetic medicine / Emilio García Sánchez. / The improving of the autonomy of the patient in the practice of cosmetic medicine
Title:Looking into aqueous humor through metabolomics spectacles - exploring its metabolic characteristics in relation to myopia / Cecilia Barbas-Bernardos ... [et al.].