Title:The procession of the officiers of the Spanish Inquisition conducting Mr. Nicholas Burton, an english merchant of London, through Sevill, to the place of his martyrdom Nov. 5. 1560 = Procesión de oficiales de la Inquisición española que llevan al Sr. Nicholas Burton, un comerciante inglés de Londres, a través de Sevilla, hacia su lugar de martirio Nov. 5. 1560.
Title:The celebration of the Auto da Fee or Act de Faith in the Inquisition = La celebración de un Auto de Fe o Acto de Fe en la Inquisición ; A prisoner under examination, in the Hall of the Inquisition = Un prisionero interrogado en la Casa de la Inquisición ; The procession of the Inquisition, previous to the burning of hereticks = Procesión de la Inquisición, antes de la quema de herejes.
Title:Inside view of a goal in the Inquisition, ... = Vista interior de una sala de la Inquisición ; The procession of the Auto-de-Fe, for the burning of hereticks = Procesión de un Auto de Fe, para quemar herejes
Title:The procession of the officiers of the Spanish Inquisition conducting Mr. Nicholas Burton, an english merchant of London, through Sevill, to the place of his martyrdom Nov. 5. 1560
Title:The portraits of the principal primitive reformers of various countries, to whom (under God) we are indebted for the glorious light of the protestant religion, with emblematical allusions to the vain attempts of the Pope, the frier & the Devil, to blow out or extinguish the pure light of the everlasting Gospel
Title:Also other scenes shewing the cruel manner in which the protestans were dragged through bogs in Ireland, and hung on tenterhooks fastened to poles till they perished through pain and want of food
Title:The martyrdom of Mr John Badby in Smithfield where (while de Prior of St Bartholomen's attended with twelve Forches borne before him) Prince Henry son of Edward IV exhorted the godly martyrio recant ; Dr. John Hus (Pastor of Bethlchem in Bohemia & professor of philosophy in the University of Prague) going to seal the truth of his doctrines by martydom in the suburbs of Constance.