Title:The importance of vocabulary in the development of writing skills in eighth grade students at Unidad Educativa Juan Emilio Murillo Landin / Design of a booklet with exercises based on vocabulary
Title:Improve English language learning in elementary students / Design of the brochure with strategic educational vocabulary for primary school students Carlos Alberto Flores School
Title:The influence that the correct use of basic vocabulary has in the development of reading skill / Design of a didactic guide with basic vocabulary in order to develop the reading skill in students of tenth year at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Nocturna Alonso Veloz Malta
Title:Influence of basic vocabulary to develop the ability of reading comprehension / Design of a didactic guide with basic vocabualry in order to develop the reading comprehension in students of eighth year at Unidad Educativa Francisco Huerta Rendón in the school year 2016 - 2017