Title:Medida asociativa y de reforma a la ley de contratacion para ingenieros civiles y arquitectos que permita formar pequeña y mediana empresa para contratar con el estado y poder obtener experiencia laboral / Associative method and reform of the law of recruitment for, civil engineers and architects form small and medium company to hire with the state and to get experience labor
Title:La legalización de las empresas multinivel en Colombia, un análisis de la ley 1700 de 2013 / The legalization of multilevel companies in Colombia, an analysis of the 1700 Act of 2013
Title:More socially responsible, more ethical, more attractive as a future employer? Contributes of corporate social performance and ethical reputation for the attraction of future employees
Title:Tell me your socially responsible practices, I will tell you how attractive for recruitment you are!: the impact of perceived CSR on organizational attractiveness
Title:Recruitment Practices, a Socially accepted Instrument of Domination / Prácticas de selección de personal, un instrumento de dominación socialmente aceptado
Title:Rediseño del Proceso de Reclutamiento y Capacitación de un Call Center en Barranquilla / Redesign of the Recruitment and Training Process of a Call Center in Barranquilla