Title:Effects of uvb light, wounding stress and storage time on the biosynthesis of betalains, phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid in red prickly pears (opuntia ficus-indica cv. Rojo vigor)
Title:Nutraceutical properties of isolated starch, phytochemical compounds and bioactive peptides from pigmented chickpea cultivars influenced by cooking or germination process.
Title:Nicaragua : structural adjustment policy analysis in the nineties : the effects of mergers acquisitions and joint ventures between US-Mexican firms (1993-1994) : an empirical analysis using the event study methodology : the Kalman filter in the even-study methodology
Title:Comparison of various textbooks and series used in the campuses of the North and South-Central zones of the ITESM System with respect to their development of the four language skills as they are used for communicating