Title:Applied competences for students by using m3learning* devices in Higher Education: Knowledge, skills and attitudes / Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Applications in Higher Education Settings
Title:Vocabulary in the oral language in the students of the seventh grade of basic education / Design of an ilustrative booklet with ludic vocabulary activities
Title:The influence of ludic activities to improve informational listening. / The design of a didactic guide with games that improve the informational listening of the eighth year students of basic education of the Unidad Educativa Perla del Pacifico of the province of Guayas, cantón Guayaquil
Title:The use of comparatives to promote the basic written production of students of 8th grade, basic education at Unidad Educativa Dr. Arízaga Luque / Design of a booklet as a teaching guide with methodological strategies and exercise
Title:The effect of urban violence on student achievement in Medellín, Colombia / El efecto de la violencia urbana sobre el logro de estudiantes en Medellín, Colombia
Title:Influence of intensive reading in the development of reading skills. / Design of an educational booklet with stories and activities to improve the comprehension of text in the english language.
Title:Innovate vocabulary learning strategies to develop the writing skill / Design a didactic guide with meaningful vocabulary to develop the writing skill