Title:The influence of ludic activities to improve informational listening. / The design of a didactic guide with games that improve the informational listening of the eighth year students of basic education of the Unidad Educativa Perla del Pacifico of the province of Guayas, cantón Guayaquil
Title:The incidence of vocabulary on the development of reading skills in teenage students / Design of a handbook with useful vocabulary for developing the reading skills
Title:The influence that the correct use of basic vocabulary has in the development of reading skill / Design of a didactic guide with basic vocabulary in order to develop the reading skill in students of tenth year at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Nocturna Alonso Veloz Malta
Title:The influence of A2.1 level vocabulary for the development of speaking skills / Design a didactic guide to teach A2.1 level vocabulary using realia media for the development of speaking skills
Title:The influence of basic a1.1 level vocabulary in reading comprehension / Design of a system of activities focused on vocabulary for reading comprehension
Title:Incidence of vocabulary learning strategies to the development of the reading comprehension / Design of a didactic booklet with vocabulary activities to the development of the reading comprehension