Title:Influence of motivation in the development of listening comprehension on students of tenth grade of the Unidad Educativa Veinticuatro de Mayo School / Design of interactive music program based on motivation to develop the listening skill
Title:Teaching strategies to develop the writing skil / Design of a handbook with practical activities to motivate the students to develop the writing skill.
Title:The use of comparatives to promote the basic written production of students of 8th grade, basic education at Unidad Educativa Dr. Arízaga Luque / Design of a booklet as a teaching guide with methodological strategies and exercise
Title:Strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions / Design to booklet with strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions in students of eighth course at “Vicente Rocafuerte” High School.
Title:Agglomeration economies in the presence of an informal sector: the colombian case / Economías de aglomeración en presencia de un sector informal: el caso de Colombia
Title:On the possibility of justice in commercial society according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith / ¿Es posible la justicia en la sociedad de mercado? Las respuestas de JeanJacques Rousseau y Adam Smith