Title:Die mittelpaläolithische Steingerätetechnologie des Modus 3 im Abri Benzú (Nordafrika) / Lithic technology of Middle Palaeolithic Mode 3 in Benzú Rock Shelter (North Africa)
Title:ARAGON REYES, Manuel (Dir.); GAHETE JURADO, Manuel y BENLABBAH, Fatiha (Eds.). El Protectorado español en Marruecos. La historia trascendida. Bilbao: Iberdrola, 2013
Title:Combined Raman spectroscopic and Rietveld analyses as a useful and nondestructive approach to studying flint raw materials at prehistoric archaeological sites
Title:El siglo de Moratín. Recepción escénica y crítica del teatro de Leandro Fernández de Moratín entre 1808 y 1928 / Moratín’s century scenic and critical reception of Leandro Fernández de Moratín’s theatre between 1808 and 1928