Title:Desempleo y precariedad laboral en mayores de 45 años: una luz al final del túnel / Desemprego e precariedade laboral em maiores de 45 anos pela voz dos especialistas: uma luz ao fundo do túnel / A specialist view of unemployment and precarity among over-forty-fives: a light at the bottom of the tunnel / Chômage et précarité de l’emploi chez les plus de 45 ans par la voix des spécialistes: une lumière au bout du tunnel
Title:Disparitá o uguaglianza? Costruzioni discorsive del divario di genere in politica / Inequality or equality? Discursive constructions of gender gap in politics
Title:More socially responsible, more ethical, more attractive as a future employer? Contributes of corporate social performance and ethical reputation for the attraction of future employees