Title:Bevacizumab diminishes inflammation in an acute endotoxin-induced uveitis model / Salvador Mérida, María Sancho-Tello, Inmaculada Almansa, Carmen Desco,
Cristina Peris, Mari-Luz Moreno, Vincent M. Villar, Amparo Navea and Francisco Bosch-Morell.
Title:Dexamethasone preconditioning in cardiac procedures reduces decreased antithrombin activity and is associated to beneficial outcomes : role of endothelium / Vicente Muedra ... et al.
Title:1st International Experts' Meeting on Agitation: conclusions regarding the current and ideal management paradigm of agitation / José Martínez Raga ... et al.
Title:Assessment of static posturography and pedobarography for the detection of unilateral forelimb lameness in ponies / Lidia Pitti, Maarten Oosterlinck, María L. Díaz Bertrana, José M. Carrillo, Mónica Rubio, Joaquín Sopena, Angelo Santana and José M. Vilar.
Title:Occurrence and molecular epidemiology of "Giardia duodenalis" infection in dog populations in eastern Spain / Manuel Adell Aledón, Pamela C. Köster, Aida de Lucio, Paula Puente, Marta Hernández de Mingo, Paula Sánchez Thevenet, María Auxiliadora Dea Ayuela and David Carmena.