Title:Algunas reflexiones sobre la relación entre el uso de resolución de problemas como estrategia metodológica para la enseñanza de ciencias en la educación primaria y los cambios de comportamiento del grupo en estudio / The use of problem solving as methodological strategy for the teaching of sciences in basic education and the behavioral changes of the group under study
Title:Evaluation templates and fulfillment of the university formative objectives: diversification and transverselity of criteria in subjects of Spanish Language and Theory of Literature
Title:Timing of diagenesis and very low-grade metamorphism in the eastern sector of the Sierra de Cameros (Iberian Range, Spain): a U–Pb SHRIMP study on monazite
Title:Les relations commerciales entre le royaume abdelwadide de Tlemcen et les villes du sud de l'Europe Occidentale a partir du milieu du XIIIe jusqu'au milieu du XVIe