Title:A channel selection method for EEG classification based on exponentially damped sinusoidal model and stochastic relevance analysis / BIOSIGNALS 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Title:Proteomic analysis of Africanized bee venom: A comparison of protein extraction methods [Análisis proteómico del veneno de la abeja Africanizada: Comparación de métodos de extracción] / Acta Biologica Colombiana
Title:Unsupervised classification system for arrhythmogenic sources detection from electrograms. A simulation study / Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention, CONCAPAN 2014
Title:On detecting determinism and nonlinearity in microelectrode recording signals: Approach based on non-stationary surrogate data methods / 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
Title:Temperature measurement by means of fiber specklegram sensors (FSS) [Medición de temperatura mediante specklegramas de fibra ópica (FSS)] / Optica Pura y Aplicada