Title:Market microstructure as a determinant of the exchange rate: Bibliometric tracking [Microestructura de mercados como determinante de la tasa de cambio: Seguimiento bibliométrico] / Revista Venezolana de Gerencia
Title:The electronic and optical properties of the sulvanite compounds: A many-body perturbation and time-dependent density functional theory study / Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Title:Formative strategy focused on solving social problems: Engineering for People [Estrategia formativa enfocada a resolver problemáticas sociales: Ingeniería para la Gente] / Espacios
Title:Public infrastructure and leasing fees: The case of San Javier [Infraestructura pública y cánones de arrendamiento: El caso de San Javier] / Espacios
Title:Factors that affect the entrepreneurial intention in university students: A qualitative analysis [Factores que inciden en la intención emprendedora del estudiantado universitario: Un análisis cualitativo] / Revista Electronica Educare
Title:Decrease in market risk for the equity market in Colombia with international assets / International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Title:Rheological behaviour assessment of conventional mixtures between natural rubber and leather wastes [Evaluación del comportamiento reológico de mezclas convencionales de caucho natural con residuos de cuero] / Dyna (Spain)