Title:Influence of different parameters and their coupled effects on the stability of alumina nanofluids by a fractional factorial design approach / Advanced Powder Technology
Title:Value at Risk: An Elliptical Copulas Model Analysis for housing sector in Mexico [Valor en Riesgo: Un análisis del modelo de cópulas elípticas para el sector de vivienda en México] / Espacios
Title:Optimization of spectral analysis of electrophysiological recordings of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease: A retrospective study / IFMBE Proceedings
Title:A rational approach for the improvement of biomass production and lipid profile in cacao cell suspensions / Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
Title:Estimating process capability indices for inaccurate and non-normal data: A systematic literature info:eu-repo/semantics/review / Quality - Access to Success
Title:Index for measuring of innovation for improvement of national competitiveness [índice de medición de la innovación para el mejoramiento de la competitividad nacional] / Espacios