Title:Diseño de aplicación Android para la mejora de la ortografía y evaluación de su implementación en aulas de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato. / Design of Android application for the improvement of the spelling and evaluation of its implementation in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate classrooms
Title:Point of view and narrator's control in Agatha Christie's "The Chocolate Box": A stylistics approach / Punto de vista y control del narrador en "La Caja de Bombones" de Agatha Christie: Un enfoque estilístico
Title:Analysis of short-period internal waves using wave-induced surface displacement: A three-dimensional model approach in Algeciras Bay and the Strait of Gibraltar
Title:Developing Effective Partnerships in Peacekeeping Operations between the UN and Regional Organizations. A Recent Report of the UN Secretary General on the transition in Mali and in the Central African Republic
Title:Are Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations of the rafting crab, Plagusia depressa (Fabricius), distinct? New evidence from larval morphology and mtDNA