Title:Effects and underlying mechanisms of unstable shoes on chronic low back pain : a randomized controlled trial / Juan Francisco Lisón ... [et al.].
Title:Competencias y contenidos de salud pública en los programas del Grado en Veterinaria en las universidades españolas = Public health competencies and contents in Spanish university degree programmes of Veterinary Medicine / Public health competencies and contents in Spanish university degree programmes of Veterinary Medicine
Title:Effect of intraarticular inoculation of mesenchymal stem cells in dogs with hip osteoarthritis by means of objective force platform gait analysis : concordance with numeric subjective scoring scales / José M. Vilar ... [et al.].
Title:Effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose, oligomycin and theophylline on in vitro glycerol metabolism in rat adipose tissue : response to insulin and epinephrine / M. C. Domínguez and E. Herrera.