Title:El teléfono móvil: ua herramienta que puede servir de apoyo para la enseñanza de inglés en el sistema educativo público costarricense / Mobile phone: a tool that can serve as a support for the teaching of English in the public educational system in Costa Rica.
Title:Learning how to learn: reverse knowledge transfer mechanism in Chinese manufacturing MNEs – in the context of outbound direct investment with aim at knowledge acquisition
Title:TIC y aprendizaje colaborativo para la educación actual. Un caso autobiográfico de blog de aula para mejorar la convivencia en Educación Infantil / ICT and collaborative learning for today’s education. An autobiographical case blog of classroom to improve coexistence in early childhood education
Title:La práctica formativa como escenario de aprendizaje significativo del cuidado de enfermería / Training practice as setting of meaningful learning on nursing care
Title:Evaluating supervised learning approaches for spatial-domain multi-focus image fusion [Evaluando aproximaciones basadas en aprendizaje supervisado para la fusión en el dominio espacial de imágenes multi-foco] / DYNA (Colombia)
Title:Research trends in the study of ICT based learning communities: A bibliometric analysis / Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Title:Comunidad de aprendizaje con el uso de MOOC sobre CSC en la formación permanente de profesores / Community of learning with the use of MOOC on CSC in the permanent formation of professors
Title:Importance of the writing skill in the learning of the english language basic level / Design of a handbook with activities for the creation of comic tales and stories to improve the writing skill