Title:The dual-touch interactive whiteboard as a methodological strategy in the basic english teachin / Design of a booklet with basic grammar exercises
Title:Influence of useful expressions to develop oral expression / Design of Didactic guide of the treatment of useful expressions for the development of the oral expression
Title:Reinforcement the use of simple past tense of the irregular verbs to develop the basic writing of the students / Design and application of a practical guide about simple past tense
Title:Influence of intensive reading in the development of reading skills. / Design of an educational booklet with stories and activities to improve the comprehension of text in the english language.
Title:The influence of vocabulary in oral expression in students of 1st year E bachillerato of educational institution dr. José Maria Egas, corresponding to zone 8, district ximena 2, province Guayas, Cantón Guayaquil, parish Ximena, and 2015-2016 academic year / Educational guide with vocabulary of the english language
Title:The influence of the motivational activities in the development of the oral expression on students of tenth grade of the Provincia de Imbabura Baccalaureate High School / Design of a didactic guide with motivational activities for the development of the oral expression
Title:Development the intrinsic motivation to encourage the reading skill. / Elaboration of a motivational strategies guide to encourage the reading skill
Title:Strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions / Design to booklet with strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions in students of eighth course at “Vicente Rocafuerte” High School.