Title:Optimization of a wifi wireless network that maximizes the level of satisfaction of users and allows the use of new technological trends in higher education institutions
Title:PSU19 characterization of adverse events in the service of plastic and reconstructive surgery in hospital institutions of Barranquilla, 2016-2017
Title:Concepciones y abordajes de los problemas de aprendizaje en el programa salud al colegio: una problematización desde la relación salud-medicina-educación / Conceptions and approaches to learning problems in the school health program: a problematization from the health-medicine-education relationship
Title:Implicaciones de las creencias religiosas cristianas en la percepción de los creyentes sobre la enfermedad mental y el lugar de los profesionales de la salud. / Implications of Christian religious beliefs in the perception of believers about mental illness and the place of health professionals.
Title:Cultura de emprendimiento mediante la investigación como estrategia pedagógica apoyada en TIC / Culture of entrepreneurship through research as a pedagogical strategy supported by TIC