Title:Competencias y contenidos de salud pública en los programas del Grado en Veterinaria en las universidades españolas = Public health competencies and contents in Spanish university degree programmes of Veterinary Medicine / Public health competencies and contents in Spanish university degree programmes of Veterinary Medicine
Title:Importancia de la comunicación en el establecimiento y satisfacción con el tratamiento en fisioterapia = Importance of communication in the establishment and satisfaction with physiotherapy treatment / Óscar Rodríguez Nogueira ... et al. / Importance of communication in the establishment and satisfaction with physiotherapy treatment
Title:Long-term implications of feed energy source in different genetic types of reproductive rabbit females. II, Immunologic status / Immunologic status
Title:La escuela del siglo XXI : retos digitales necesarios para dar respuesta a la realidad social y educativa / Beatriz Lores Gómez, Paula Sánchez Thevenet, María Rosario García Bellido.