Title:The time required to rent a home in Boston in 2015: An application Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression [El tiempo necesario para alquilar una vivienda en Boston en 2015: Una aplicación de Regresión de Poisson Geográficamente Ponderada] / Espacios
Title:Highly sensitive temperature sensor using a Sagnac loop interferometer based on a side-hole photonic crystal fiber filled with metal / Applied Optics
Title:A comparative study of multiscale representations for spatialspectral classification of hyperspectral imagery [Estudio comparativo de representaciones multiescala para clasificación de imágenes hiperespectrales] / DYNA (Colombia)
Title:Comparison between unipolar and bipolar electrograms for detecting rotor tip from 2D fibrillation model using image fusion. A simulation study / 2016 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2016 - Proceedings
Title:Financial hedging with derivatives and its impact on the Colombian market value for listed companies [Coberturas financieras con derivados y su incidencia en el valor de mercado en empresas colombianas que cotizan en Bolsa] / Contaduria y Administracion
Title:Thermal effects on non-rechargeable li-ion batteries due to temperature changes / Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology