Title:¿Cómo lo medimos? Siete contextos de indagación para detectar y corregir concepciones erróneas sobre magnitudes y unidades / How can we measure it? Seven inquiry contexts to detect and correct misconceptions about units and magnitudes
Title:Archéologie des littoraux du Sud de la Gaule : Le littoral de Provence des Alpes Maritimes au Rhone / Archaeology of the Southern Gaul coastline from the Alpae Maritimae Province to the Rhone
Title:Feral finfish, and their relationships with sediments and seawater, as a tool for risk assessment of PAHs in chronically polluted environments. Science of the Total Environment.
Title:Los concursos de televisión como recurso en el desarrollo de contenidos de lengua castellana y literatura: Atrapa un... punto, una experiencia didáctica en 1º de ESO / T.v. shows as a resourcetodevelopthecontents of theSpanishLanguage and LiteratureAtrapa un… punto,educationaltelevision 1º ESO