Title:Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil y un aplicativo web para la mejora del proceso de reporte de potenciales donantes de órganos por parte de las IPS de Barranquilla a FUNDONAR / Development of a mobile and a web application for the improvement of the process of potential reports organs donor by the Barranquilla´s IPS to FUNDONAR
Title:Therapeutic doses of plasma rich in growth factors cannot provoke cancer by means of the IGF-1 pathway or inflammation in dogs / José M. Vilar ... [et al.].
Title:Applying Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) in the Diagnosis of Malaria, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis as Point-of-Care Tests (POCTs) / María Auxiliadora Dea Ayuela ... [et al.].
Title:Physicochemical and microbiological assessment of an experimental composite doped with Triclosan-Loaded Halloysite Nanotubes / Diana A. Cunha, Nara S. Rodrigues, Lidiane C. Souza, Diego Lomonaco, Flávia P. Rodrigues, Felipe W. Degrazia, Fabrício M. Collares, Salvatore Sauro and Vicente P. A. Saboia.