Title:Charged current b →cτ ν τ anomalies in a general W′ boson scenario CHARGED CURRENT B →cτ ν τ ... GÓMEZ, QUINTERO, and ROJAS / Physical info:eu-repo/semantics/review D
Title:Fragmentation model for the tensile response of unidirectional composites based on the critical number of fiber breaks and the correction of the fiber-matrix interfacial strength / Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
Title:Research trends in urban health: Results from a bibliometric analysis [Tendencias investigativas en salud urbana: Resultados desde un análisis bibliométrico] / Revista Geografica Venezolana
Title:Forecasting concentrations of air pollutants using support vector regression improved with particle swarm optimization: Case study in Aburrá Valley, Colombia / Urban Climate