Title:Influence of vocabulary in the development of speaking skill / Pamphlet for the development of speaking skills through the use of vocabulary activities.
Title:Influence of the application of ludic activities in the development of the oral production / Design of a booklet with didactic activities for the development of the oral production
Title:Influenceof flipped classroom in English readingcomprehension of the second year bachillerato students. / Design of a didactic technique guide for the implementation of flipped classroom
Title:Motivational strategies to improve fluency reading / Design of a didactic guide with fall rise intonation to develop fluency strengthen the reading skill
Title:Network Models of Minority Opinion Spreading: A Computational Approach for Studying Possible Scenarios of Complex Social Contagion on Vaccination Behaviour
Title:Virtual Reality Application for Simulation and Off-line Programming of the Mitsubishi Movemaster RV-M1 Robot Integrated with the Oculus Rift to Improve Students Training
Title:Incidence of flashcards in the reading skill as teaching aids / Didactic guide to use the flashcards and maximize the reading in the study of english language