Title:Innovation strategies to develop specific professional skills on photovoltaic systems using laboratory experience guides: technologies and sustainability education / Estrategias innovativas para el desarrollo de habilidades específicas en sistemas fotovoltaicos usando guías de experiencias de laboratorios: tecnologías y educación sustentable
Title:A methodology to estimate baseline energy use and quantify savings in electrical energy consumption in higher education institution buildings: Case study, Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI)
Title:Permanence and dropout versus self-sufficiency of university students: A challenge in quality education / Permanencia y deserción versus autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios: Un desafío de la calidad educativa
Title:Optimization of a wifi wireless network that maximizes the level of satisfaction of users and allows the use of new technological trends in higher education institutions
Title:Social responsibility of higher education students. Motivations for its development in times of Covid-19 in Chile and El Salvador / Responsabilidad social de estudiantes de educación superior. Motivaciones para su desarrollo en tiempos de Covid-19 en Chile y El Salvador
Title:Aula Touch Game: Digital Tablets and Their Incidence in the Development of Citizen Competences of Middle Education Students in the District of Barranquilla-Colombia