Title:Efectos del ejercicio físico en la disminución del ausentismo por dme en los trabajadores de Coagronorte / Effects of physical exercise in reducing absenteeism due to msds in coagronorte workers
Title:The impact of LEP G-2548A and LEPR Gln223Arg polymorphisms on adiposity, leptin, and leptin-receptor serum levels in a Mexican Mestizo population
Title:¿Cómo generar concienciación en la sociedad y el sistema educativo costarricense a partir de las conclusiones del documental: “Super Size Me” (súper engórdame)? / How to generate awareness in society and the Costa Rican education system from the conclusions of the documentary: “Super Size Me”
Title:The 482Ser of PPARGC1A and 12Pro of PPARG2 Alleles Are Associated with Reduction of Metabolic Risk Factors even Obesity in a Mexican-Mestizo Population