Title:A computer simulation approach to reduce appointment lead-time in outpatient perinatology departments: a case study in a maternal-child hospital / Un enfoque de simulación por computadora para reducir el tiempo de cita en los departamentos de perinatología ambulatoria: un estudio de caso en un hospital materno-infantil
Title:Nanomineralogy of mortars and ceramics from the Forum of Caesar and Nerva (Rome, Italy): The protagonist of black crusts produced on historic buildings
Title:El revisor fiscal y su responsabilidad, al dictaminar estados financieros contrarios a la realidad económica del ente al que presta sus servicios
Title:Theoretical study of the adsorption process of antimalarial drugs into acrylamide-base hydrogel model using dft methods: the first approach to the rational design of a controlled drug delivery system
Title:Trapping of Ag+, Cu2+, and Co2+ by faujasite zeolite Y: new interpretations of the adsorption mechanism via DFT and statistical modeling investigation
Title:Effects of methylmercury and retinol palmitate co-administration in rats during pregnancy and breastfeeding: metabolic and redox parameters in dams and their offspring / Efectos de la coadministración de metilmercurio y palmitato de retinol en ratas durante el embarazo y la lactancia materna: parámetros metabólicos y redox en las madres y sus crías
Title:Selection of hydrological probability distributions for extreme rainfall events in the regions of Colombia / Selección de distribuciones de probabilidad hidrológica para eventos de lluvia extrema en las regiones de Colombia