Title:Mobile learning on higher educational institutions: How to encourage it?. Simulation approach [Mobile learning en instituciones de educación superior: ¿Cómo abordarlo? Una aproximación desde la simulación] / DYNA (Colombia)
Title:Chloroquine effect on human atrial action potential under normal conditions and during paroxysmal and chronic atrial fibrillation. A simulation study / Pan American Health Care Exchanges, PAHCE
Title:An angle measurement system of high resolution for the upper limbs using a low-cost servomotor / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Title:Promotion of research culture as engine for economic and social development: A systemic vision [Promoción de la cultura investigativa como motor de desarrollo económico y social: Una visión sistémica] / Espacios
Title:Testing for nonlinearity in non-stationary physiological time series / Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Title:Chloroquine effect on rotor termination under paroxysmal and chronic atrial fibrillation. 2D simulation study / Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention, CONCAPAN 2014