Title:Motivational stories to strengthen reading comprehension skill of the students from eight year at Unidad Educativa Nueve de Octubre / Design of a handbook with motivational stories to stregthen reading comprehension skill
Title:Develop the listening comprehension in the instruction of the english language / Design a didactic guide with useful audible basic english grammar to develop the listening comprehension
Title:The influence of ludic activities to improve informational listening. / The design of a didactic guide with games that improve the informational listening of the eighth year students of basic education of the Unidad Educativa Perla del Pacifico of the province of Guayas, cantón Guayaquil
Title:The importance of the scanning technique in the reading comprehension in students of 10th a year of public educational unit Numa Pompilio Llona / Design of a didactic guide
Title:Vocabulary in the oral language in the students of the seventh grade of basic education / Design of an ilustrative booklet with ludic vocabulary activities