Title:El primer paso hacia la empleabilidad: los criterios para elegir universidad / The first step toward employability: criteria for choosing college
Title:Joaquín Escriche y Martín (Caminreal, 1784-1847) : fue eminente jurisconsulto, magistrado, publicista, codificador entendido ... fue liberal / José María de Jaime Lorén [y] José de Jaime Gómez.
Title:Practices for collaboration between Universities, Businesses and the Third Sector: ICT formative project for the insertion of youths at risk of social exclusion
Title:La formación de la competencia digital en los docentes = Digital competency preparation in teachers. / Digital competency preparation in teachers
Title:1st International Experts' Meeting on Agitation: conclusions regarding the current and ideal management paradigm of agitation / José Martínez Raga ... et al.
Title:Therapeutic exercise based on biobehavioral approach for the rehabilitation of a radial nerve injury after surgical removal of a schwannoma : a case report