Title:La dialectología en la formación de fonoaudiólogos: el caso del castellano del Perú / Dialectology in the training of speech therapists: The case of the Spanish of Peru / La dialectologie dans la formation de othophonistes: Le cas de l'espagnol du Peru
Title:Estéticas de la crueldad y teatros de lo absurdo. Cuerpos, violencia y cultura en Colombia / Aesthetics of cruelty and theaters of the absurd. Cuerpos, violence and culture in Colombia
Title:Dancer body and queer theories in the choreographic contemporary stage: a political approach to the body in tattoo de frédéric jollivet and sara martinet / Corpo dançante e teorias queer na cena coreográfica contemporânea: uma aproximação política ao corpo em Tattoo de Frédéric Jollivet e Sara Martinet