Title:Analytical model for predicting the tensile strength of unidirectional composites based on the density of fiber breaks / Composites Part B: Engineering
Title:Design of Low-loss and Highly Birefringent Porous-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber and Its Application to Terahertz Polarization Beam Splitter / IEEE Photonics Journal
Title:Evaluation of Certified Emission Reductions in power generation project through real options [Evaluación de venta de certificados de Emisiones Reducidas en proyecto de generación de energía eléctrica por medio de opciones reales] / Espacios
Title:Methodological proposal for the analysis and measurement of sensory marketing integrated to the consumer experience [Propuesta metodológica para el análisis y la medición del sensory marketing integrado a la experiencia del consumidor] / DYNA (Colombia)
Title:Application of the continuous wavelet transform in the extraction of directional data on RTM imaging condition wavefields / CTyF - Ciencia, Tecnologia y Futuro