Title:Framing 'Green Pope' Francis : newspaper coverage of Encyclical 'Laudato Si' in the United States and the United Kingdom / María José Pou Amérigo.
Title:Aportacions a l'estudi de la literatura medieval = Contributions to the study of medieval literature / Alaitz Zalbidea Berenguer. / Contributions to the study of medieval literature
Title:Literatura memorialística del primer terç del segle XX : el dietari "Varia I" (1934-1935) de Nicolau Primitiu Gómez Serrano / Alaitz Zalbidea Berenguer.
Title:A general framework for a class of non-linear approximations with applications to image restoration / V. Candela, A. Falcó [and] Pantaleón D. Romero.
Title:Applying Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) in the Diagnosis of Malaria, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis as Point-of-Care Tests (POCTs) / María Auxiliadora Dea Ayuela ... [et al.].
Title:Relaciones públicas y campañas de prevención de consumo de drogas y seguridad vial : análisis del tratamiento en prensa / Ma. Pilar Paricio Esteban, María Puchalt López [y] Sandra Femenía Almerich.
Title:Prevalence of premolars with dens evaginatus in a Taiwanese and Spanish population and related complications of the fracture of its tubercle / Chia-Shiuan Lin ... et al.