Title:Relationship between Kaizen and labor culture in manufacturing systems [Relación entre Kaizen y cultura laboral en sistemas productivos] / Espacios
Title:Public urban transport optimization by means of tabu search and pso algorithms: Medellín, colombia [Optimización del transporte público urbano mediante algoritmos de búsqueda tabú y pso: Medellín, colombia] / RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
Title:Design and implementation of a mobile gamma spectrometry system to in vivo measure the accumulated activity of 131I in patients with thyroid diseases / Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Title:Technological surveillance and analysis of the technology life cycle: Evaluation of the commercial potential of a prototype of biodegradable gloves made out thermoplastic starch from cassava [Vigilancia tecnológica y análisis del ciclo de vida de la tecnología: Evaluación del potencial comercial de un prototipo de guantes biodegradables a partir de almidón termoplástico de yuca] / Espacios
Title:Estimation of blood and bone marrow doses of thyroid carcinoma patients treated with 131I through gamma spectrometry / Journal of Radiological Protection