Title:Experimental analysis and numerical validation of the solar Dish/Stirling system connected to the electric grid / Análisis experimental y validación numérica del sistema solar Dish / Stirling conectado a la red eléctrica.
Title:Adsorption of dyes brilliant blue, sunset yellow and tartrazine from aqueous solution on chitosan: Analytical interpretation via multilayer statistical physics model
Title:Data from multimodal functions based on an array of photovoltaic modules and an approximation with artificial neural networks as a scenario for testing optimization algorithms
Title:Theoretical study of the adsorption process of antimalarial drugs into acrylamide-base hydrogel model using dft methods: the first approach to the rational design of a controlled drug delivery system
Title:An intelligent approach for the design and development of a personalized system of knowledge representation / Un enfoque inteligente para el diseño y desarrollo de un sistema personalizado de representación del conocimiento.
Title:Efecto del modelo de barras en el desarrollo de la competencia de resolución de problemas en estudiantes de sexto grado de la institución educativa María Auxiliadora de Galapa