Title:The incidence of short stories for the development of the reading comprehension / Design of a booklet with short stories to develop the reading comprehension
Title:Strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions / Design to booklet with strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions in students of eighth course at “Vicente Rocafuerte” High School.
Title:Methodological strategies to close gaps in the management of the english language vocabulary applied to eighth grader students / Design of a guide with methodological strategies to acquire more vocabulary
Title:Influence of extensive reading in the development of reading skills in the english language in the students of eighth grade room ‘’a” of Monseñor Leónidas Proaño public high school / Design of a didactic manual of stories and biographies fostering extensive reading to improve reading skills
Title:Importance of the didactic factors in the phonetic elements of the oral expression / Design of a didactic guide with specific material focused on didactic factors for the reinforcement of the phonetic elements in the oral expression
Title:The influence of sentence structures in the oral expression / Design a didactic guide with grammar sentences structure activities to improve the oral expression
Title:The development of the body language in the speaking skill / Design a brochure of activities for the development of body language in the speaking skill
Title:Current state of professional Neuropsychological practice in Mexico / Situación actual de la práctica profesional de la Neuropsicología en México