Title:The motivational techniques in the development of the writing skills / Design a guide with ludic activities based on motivatinal techniques to improve writing skills
Title:Business ownership and self-employment in developing economies: the colombian case / Empleadores y trabajadores por cuenta propia en economías en desarrollo: el caso colombiano
Title:Attitudes and attributes: a field experiment with public officials and transfer recipients in Colombia / Actitudes y atributos: un experimento en campo con funcionarios públicos y beneficiarios de transferencias en Colombia
Title:Basic grammar structure in order to improve the writing skills in the students of eight year, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Francisco de Orellana, zona sur, parroquia Ximena, distrito 2, Ximena 2, provincia del Guayas, cantón Guayaquil, periodo lectivo 2016-2017 / Design of a didactic guide with basic grammar exercises
Title:Collective property leads to household investments: lessons from land titling in Afro-Colombian communities / La propiedad colectiva mejora las inversiones del hogar: lecciones de la titulación de tierras a comunidades afro-colombianas
Title:Influence of participatory techniques in the development of the speaking skill / Design of a didactic guide directed to the teachers for speaking