Title:The influence of technological resources in the in provement of reading comprehension / The design of a booklet with tecnological resources exercises
Title:El entorno familiar en el proceso de adquisición de la lectoescritura en niños de 5 a 6 años. / Diseño de cuadernillo de estrategias metodológicas para representantes legales.
Title:Improving the listening skill through audiovisual resources / Design of a didactic guide with audiovisual resources to improve the listening skill in students of ninth year at Unidad Educativa “Nueve de Octubre”
Title:Influence of vocabulary in the development of oral expression / Design of a booklet with useful vocabulary in order to develop the oral production
Title:Incidence of the bottom up model of reading in the development of reading comprehension / Design a booklet with reading activities using bottom up reading model. Skills in english